Get Spooky with Your Lighting this Halloween 2021

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This year I have really worked hard to expand my product offering to tap into different celebrations and events. The spookiest time of year is coming up and I want to go all out with my Halloween decor!


As mentioned in my previous blog, my new studio has helped unleash more creativity and I came up with a new treat for you all -  these fab Halloween designs. Introducing my new cobweb fairy lights! They are perfect for putting on a show stopping Halloween display this year.

Fairy Lights for Decorating Your Pumpkin or Halloween Window Display


These cobweb fairy lights will add the wow factor to your Halloween window display. I have hand teased the wool fibre to create a soft glowing candy floss or cobweb effect.  Every string of lights is individually spun on a traditional spinning wheel to give it our unique wrapped effect.

There are four colour options available: soft white, black and white, gold and white, pink and white. You could really get creative and mix and match the colours to create a Halloween display that will set you apart from the rest this year!

Some of the designs could also double up for Christmas displays too so you would get extra use from them.

Alternatively if you prefer to make a bold, spooky statement, my ‘boo’ fairy lights will add quirkiness and humour to your halloween party this year, or make a great surprise gift! Also, if you want to keep things simple, my original pom pom strings are now available in pumpkin colour.

I hope you love my new spooky halloween designs and that I have inspired you to get creative and have fun with your halloween decor this year.


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